Getting On Your Designer’s Good Side
When it comes to design, it’s a touchy-feely thing that’s often subjective to the eyes of the beholder (or in our case – our clients). At times it becomes an endless back and forth struggles [...]
When it comes to design, it’s a touchy-feely thing that’s often subjective to the eyes of the beholder (or in our case – our clients). At times it becomes an endless back and forth struggles [...]
In the age of social media, influencer marketing is becoming more and more prominent. Before we get into how you can take advantage of it, let’s talk about what it is. […]
For all of those businesses on Pinterest, you know how important it can be to your bottom line. That’s why feed optimization is important if you want to maximize your visibility in Pinterest search. Here [...]
During the holiday season, it’s easy to get caught up in the craze of “what am I going to get?” Kids will often make a fuss about getting the latest greatest toys, and adults will start [...]
Not too long ago, Google launched a search ranking algorithm update that managed to fly very gracefully under the radar. Here’s what you need to know about it and how it will affect the way you [...]
People always ask me why I’m so kind. More often than not, I will do something spontaneous for someone and they will sit there in awe wondering, “What have I done to deserve this?” [...]
With any growing business, you’re bound to experience some growing pains here and there – that’s perfectly normal. However, some can be more difficult to deal with than others, especially when it involves something intangible [...]
As we approach the holiday season, and with Canadian Thanksgiving having just happened this week, here is a list of things (in no particular order) that we at soulpepper have to be thankful for on [...]
The holidays are quickly approaching. That means it’s time for businesses everywhere to start thinking about their e-commerce. […]
SEO can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. With all the vague rules and regulations set by Google, it can be confusing to understand what and what not to do. Let us help [...]
Bcorp’s Best for the World 2016 gathering was last week in UC Berkeley. Although we weren’t there to directly represent, we thought we’d do a little article on what we as soulpeppers do day in [...]
How one of the fastest growing jewelry brands in the USA increased ecommerce revenues over 700% with Soulpepper. […]
Let’s get something straight. All limitations that are within your control are self-imposed. While that may be brutal to hear, it’s true. Self-imposed limitations are the stories we tell ourselves why “we can’t”. These stories [...]
We often recommend email marketing to clients who are looking to increase revenues because it’s an incredibly cost effective strategy considering the outstanding results it can yield. […]
Fred Magnanimi is founder and CEO of Luca + Danni, one of the fastest growing jewelry brands in the United States. In May 2012, Fred’s younger brother Danny was diagnosed with cancer. Through that difficult [...]
Creating memorable brand names is something I’ve built a career on. But what’s even more important than a brand’s name, is what it stands for. That’s why I love soulpepper. Descriptive and lyrical, it immediately [...]
Summer’s here and the living’s easy. Unless you’re an entrepreneur. While there’s little time to rest when you’re trying to change the world, here are 5 books that really inspired us. They are worth checking [...]
In this special Client Spotlight, soulpepper shares how one of our clients rose from humble beginnings to the iconic fashion brand it is today. […]
Everyone has their own take on how to be better or more successful. We’re no different. But instead of droning on endlessly about what could be done to change your life, we jotted down 30 [...]
Last month we advised why you should prioritize Google Shopping in your digital marketing mix. This week we tapped humble Howard Tseng, our brilliant Paid Search Manager to give us his top tips to optimize [...]