Everyone has their own take on how to be better or more successful. We’re no different. But instead of droning on endlessly about what could be done to change your life, we jotted down 30 simple tips on what we think makes for a better human being. Got some more you’d like to share? Send them our way. We’d love to hear them.

  1. Live below your means.

  2. Return everything you borrow.

  3. Stop blaming other people.

  4. Admit it when you make a mistake.

  5. Gives clothes not worn to charity.

  6. Do something nice and try not to get caught.

  7. Listen more.

  8. Talk Less.

  9. Walk for 30 minutes everyday.

  10. Take responsibility.

  11. Strive for excellence, not perfection.

  12. Be on time.

  13. Be grateful.

  14. Don’t make excuses.

  15. Don’t argue.

  16. Get organized.

  17. Be kind.

  18. Be kind to unkind people.

  19. Let someone cut ahead of you in line.

  20. Take time to be alone.

  21. Cultivate good manners.

  22. Don’t complain.

  23. Be humble

  24. Accept life is not fair.

  25. Know when to keep your mouth shut.

  26. Go an entire day without criticizing anyone.

  27. Learn from the past.

  28. Plan for the future.

  29. Live in the present.

  30. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

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Written by Rik Klingle-Watt

About the author

Rik Klingle-Watt is a soulpepper and writer of the award winning documentary Not Business as Usual, a film about disrupting the business quo.

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